Heating/cooling pad. Product Material : PVC.
Translucent pill box with 7 compartments. Product Material : Plastic.
- Measures ratio of weight to height. - Calculates current and target BMI. - Used by health and fitness professionals. - Metric and Imperial...
- Measure alcohol intake in units. - Follow NHS recommendations to DRINK AWARE. - Actual Size: 146mm diameter (base disc), 95mm diameter (top...
- Measures health improvement on quitting. - Calculates money saved 1-20 years from quitting. - Actual Size: 118mm diameter (outer discs), 134mm...
- Forecasts the date of birth from time of conception. - Used by obstetricians and practitioners. - Useful for assessment of drug administration...
- Paediatric and Adolescent Body Mass Index Calculator. - Measures ratio of weight to height. - Calculates current and target BMI. - Used by...
- Gives expected values for normal peak flow (PEF). - Useful in assessment of asthmatics. - Used in hospitals and surgeries. - Actual Size: 86mm...
- Measures waist/height ratio to determine body shape type. - Gives guidelines on healthy body shape type. - Used by health professionals. -...
- Indicates protection factor according to skin type. - Used by pharmacists. - Sun protection product producers. - Actual Size: 108mm diameter...
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