Cotton foldable shopping bag with long handles. Product Material : Cotton 250 g/m2.
Foldable shopping bag. Product Material : Non-Woven 80 g/m2.
Shopping bag. Product Material : Recycled Non-Woven 70 g/m2.
B'RIGHT cotton bag for fruit and vegetables, small size, front made of mesh, back made of uniform material. Product Material : Cotton 150 g/m2...
Shopping bag. Product Material : Laminated Non-Woven 120 g/m2.
Cotton mesh bags for fruits and vegetables, 3 pcs, front cotton panel suitable for printing. Product Material : Mesh, Organic Cotton 130 g/m2.
Foldable shopping bag with pouch (05-strawberry, 06-pineapple, 07-orange, 10-apple, 13-grape, 62-kiwi, 99-tomato). Product Material : Polyester 190T.
Shopping bag. Product Material : Non-Woven 80 g/m2.
Foldable shopping bag, folded into corner with string and plastic stopper. Product Material : Polyester 210D.
Recycled cotton shopping bag. Product Material : 100% Recycled Cotton 140 g/m2.
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