Price covers 4 shapes - Star 92mm x 90mm / Rectangle 110mm x 60mm / Round 90mm dia and eyemask 205 x 50mm.
First aid kit in plastic case, 10 pcs, includes: tape, scissors, 5 adhesive plasters, bandages (3,3 x 100 cm, 4,5 x 100 cm and 4,5 x 150 cm)...
First aid kit in transparent container, 17 pcs., includes: film dressing, nonwoven sponge, 5 sterile bandages, PBT bandage, 4 alcohol prep pads, 2...
First aid kit in plastic case, 5 pcs, includes: 2 alcohol prep pads, antiseptic cleansing wipe and 2 adhesive plasters. Product Material : PP.
Car emergency first aid kit in pouch with zipped main compartment, 40 pcs, includes: dynamo torch, silver thermal blanket, alcohol pads (10 pcs)...
First aid kit in pouch, 16 pcs., includes: non-adherent pad, triangular bandage with 2 safety pins, plasters (1 large, 2 medium and 5 small ones)...
First aid kit in drawstring pouch, 10 pcs, includes: 5 plasters, 2 alcohol pads, cleansing wipe, anti-septic wipe and a bandage. Product Material...
First aid kit in tin, includes: scissors, damp cloth, tape, 4 alcohol wipes, 4 plasters, bandage and antiseptic wipe. Product Material : Aluminium.
First aid kit in plastic case, 10 pcs, includes: 5 plasters, 2 alcohol pads, non-woven tape, pair of scissors and sponge. Product Material : PP.
First aid kit in waterproof case with carry cord, 14 pcs, includes: 2 film dressings, 5 plasters, 4 alcohol prep-pads, moist wipe, antiseptic wipe...
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